Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Washing Cloth Diapers

After using cloth diapers for the last seven months I think I pretty much have the care of my diapers down to a science.  We have a bucket that we keep next to the changing table that we put dirty diapers in.  Every night I take the bucket to the bathroom and shake the solids into the toilet (unless they are super stinky then they get taken care of right away) and I rinse all the diapers that were used that day and put them in the diaper pail.  Our diaper pail is simply a medium size trash can (about 8 gallons) after three or four days I put the diaper pail full of rinsed diapers into the shower and add a 1 cup scoop of oxyclean and fill the diaper pail full of HOT water to soak overnight.  Then in the morning I dump out the water from the diaper pail and wring out any excess water so its not so heavy to carry (we have to go down two flights of stairs and drive to my inlaws to do laundry.)  Once I dump the diapers into the washer I add two scoops (I pirated this one out of a small oxyclean container) of Lulu's in the Fluff Glamour Wash (http://lulusinthefluff.com/) also available at http://www.fluffenvy.com/. I have the washer set on 30 min soak with Hot Wash and Cold Rinse and always do a second rinse.  I also have the water set on the super load size. 

I have also discovered that there is a prepping that should be done on prefolds and on any organic insert.  I didn't know this when I started and the only prepping that my prefolds got was a wash in diaper soap.  Now I know that any prefold and organic insert needs to be washed five or six times before use to make sure you get the natural oils off of them.  One other thing that I have found is that you have to be careful with the diaper rash ointments that you use with cloth diapers.  Some can leave residue on the diapers that stop absorbancy.  Our new found diaper cream is called CJ's Butter, I love the Cucumber Melon and the Cherry Almond scents.

Well that is my explaination of how I wash my diapers...hope you enjoyed it!

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