Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Washing Cloth Diapers

After using cloth diapers for the last seven months I think I pretty much have the care of my diapers down to a science.  We have a bucket that we keep next to the changing table that we put dirty diapers in.  Every night I take the bucket to the bathroom and shake the solids into the toilet (unless they are super stinky then they get taken care of right away) and I rinse all the diapers that were used that day and put them in the diaper pail.  Our diaper pail is simply a medium size trash can (about 8 gallons) after three or four days I put the diaper pail full of rinsed diapers into the shower and add a 1 cup scoop of oxyclean and fill the diaper pail full of HOT water to soak overnight.  Then in the morning I dump out the water from the diaper pail and wring out any excess water so its not so heavy to carry (we have to go down two flights of stairs and drive to my inlaws to do laundry.)  Once I dump the diapers into the washer I add two scoops (I pirated this one out of a small oxyclean container) of Lulu's in the Fluff Glamour Wash (http://lulusinthefluff.com/) also available at http://www.fluffenvy.com/. I have the washer set on 30 min soak with Hot Wash and Cold Rinse and always do a second rinse.  I also have the water set on the super load size. 

I have also discovered that there is a prepping that should be done on prefolds and on any organic insert.  I didn't know this when I started and the only prepping that my prefolds got was a wash in diaper soap.  Now I know that any prefold and organic insert needs to be washed five or six times before use to make sure you get the natural oils off of them.  One other thing that I have found is that you have to be careful with the diaper rash ointments that you use with cloth diapers.  Some can leave residue on the diapers that stop absorbancy.  Our new found diaper cream is called CJ's Butter, I love the Cucumber Melon and the Cherry Almond scents.

Well that is my explaination of how I wash my diapers...hope you enjoyed it!

Cloth Addiction Update

Ok I have now received two diapers from Diaper of the Month Club from http://www.fluffenvy.com  However, I can only tell you what the first one was...Another BlueBerry Minky...this one is the cool Saphire Blue color.  The second one I got is really cool and I LOVE using it and I am contemplating buying more of them.  But it would be really unfair to disclose what it is until every one in the club gets theirs.  I am lucky enough to be local to Fluff Envy's location and I get to pick mine up on the first of the month.  Almost every one else has to wait for theirs to come in the mail. As soon as every one gets their diaper I will write my review of it on here.

Here is the updated list of my diaper stash

1 Blue Camo Blueberry Minky pocket diaper (snaps with bamboo insert)
1 Saphire Blueberry Minky pocket diaper (snaps with bamboo insert)
1 Chocolate KnickerNappie pocket Diaper (snaps)
1 Red KnickerNappie pocket Diaper (snaps)

1 Twilight Katydid pocket diaper

2 Groovy Print WeeHuggers (hook/loop) cover
1 Round-About print weehuggers (hook/loop) cover
2 Pistacio weehuggers ( one hook/loop & one snaps) cover
2 Chocolate sky weehuggers ( one hook/loop & one snaps) cover

1 Twilight Flip One-Size Diaper conver (snaps)
1 Moonbeam Flip One-size diaper cover (snaps)

1 Mango Thirsties Duo Wrap (hook and loop)
1 Ocean Blue Thirsties Duo Wrap (hook and loop)

1 Meadow Thirsties Duo Wrap (hook and loop)

1 Scrappy cover from Cheeky Diapers (both snaps and hook and loop)

1 Red, black and white Ooga Booga Print Happy Heiny pocket diaper (hook and loop)
1 Ocean Tye Dye Happy Heiny Pocket Diaper (Hook and Loop)
(all covers and wraps are used with prefolds)

At this point I feel driven to purchase every cute print of every diaper that I know I like.  My current favorites are the Happy Heiny diapers that I have purchased in the last month and the new one that I can't talk about yet.  They keep coming out with adorable prints and I keep wanting to buy these adorable prints even when the baby really doesn't need any more diapers.  Joining the Diaper of the Month Club was theoretically supposed to quell my desire to spontaneously buy diapers but I think it is just making it worse.  Honestly I am leaning more toward using exclusively pocket diapers and if I were to do that we would need to get more for sure.  I love the convience of just fastening the diaper on the baby and not have to worry about getting the prefold in the right spot and folding it over in the right way or making sure all the corners are tucked in so the pee doesn't wick out onto his clothes.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Current Inventory and more

Ok Here is the exact list of my stash:
1 Blue Camo Blueberry Minky pocket diaper
1 Chocolate KnickerNappie pocket Diaper
1 Red KnickerNappie pocket Diaper
1 Twilight Katydid pocket diaper
2 Groovy Print WeeHuggers (hook/loop) cover
1 Round-About print weehuggers (hook/loop) cover
2 Pistacio weehuggers ( one hook/loop & one snaps) cover
2 Chocolate sky weehuggers ( one hook/loop & one snaps) cover
1 Twilight Flip One-Size Diaper conver
1 Moonbeam Flip One-size diaper cover
1 Mango Thirsties Duo Wrap
1 Ocean Blue Thirsties Duo Wrap
1 Meadow Thirsties Duo Wrap

SO that makes four pocket diapers (so far the minky is my favorite for looks but the Katydid is my fav for function) and 12 covers of which the Weehuggers are by far my favorite.  These are in addition to countless prefold diapers as well as some soakers.  I actually caught myself designing a diaper in my head today...a black and orange one with the fleur-de-lis on it for my daughters high school....I decided against that one, it was going a little too far for school spirit.

My next big thing to look forward to is the Diaper of the Month Club that is starting in October...be ready for more blogging!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Intro to My Addicition

What is Fluff?  Can you really be addicted to it?  For those of you that don't have babies in cloth diapers Fluff is simply a cute way to say cloth diaper (CD or Fluff from this point out.)  Yes you can be addicted to it, or at least you can be addicted to buying Fluff in all shapes, sizes and colors.  In my case OBSESSED may be a better word than addicted. or in the words of my hubby "you are crazy obesessed woman"

My Fluff experience started fourteen years ago when my Dear Daughter (DD henceforth) was a baby.  I was lucky enough for my mom to pay for a diaper service ( I was ignorant of chemicals at the time.) This was back in the day when Meijer carried the covers in their store (I still have some in storage that my DD used as doll dipes and will post pics of them when I come across them)  CD was so easy, just put the prefold in the cover and velco it on the baby- put the dirty diapers in the nice stainless steel diaper pail provided by the service along with air fresheners and once a week put the bag of dirty diapers out in the morning and pick up the clean ones in the afternoon.

So when my Dear Son (DS henceforth) was born I figured that we should use Fluff for him too but for different reasons this time.   This time I was prepared to do the washing myself and understood that it would be more labor intensive but I wanted to know exactly what chemicals my DS was going to be exposed to.  My Dear Husband (DH henceforth) and I wanted to keep diapers out of the landfills and not have to worry about buying diapers every week and the work of rising the Fluff every night was worth it.  By this point I decided that I wanted a similar system to what I used for my DD- prefold CD and Cover...the issue is that Meijer no longer carries the covers so I began my quest for covers.  My sister gave me a website address for a store in Michigan that carried some supplies but I really wanted to be able to hold the covers and examine them in person and not just on a webpage...I found a cover I liked that was as close to what my DD used and did a search through their manufacture page and found my current Fluff supplier.  She let us come to her "showroom" and look at what she had in persone.  We started out with the Thirsties Duo Wraps.  http://www.fluffenvy.com/item_13/Thirsties-Duo-Wrap.htm
   DS wore those until he out grew the size one, which he seemed to outgrow overnight. We did get adequate use out of the fifteen wraps we had...he wore them for five months and they have now been handed off to CD another baby.

Thirsties Duo Wraps and prefolds on the line

Now I was faced with having to get larger wraps.  At the same time DH and I had started putting DS in the nursery at church and a few of the poor nursery workers shied away from the Fluff.  I wanted to find something a little easier for them so I started to get a little Fluff adventerous at this point. In addition to my search for an easier diaper and a discount offered for buying something red, white or blue I decided to try a Knickernappies Once Size diaper (in red to get the discount).  http://www.fluffenvy.com/item_90/Knickernappies-OneSize-Diaper.htm
This was my first pocket type diaper ("A pocket diaper is a popular diaper style that has a moisture-wicking stay-dry lining and a waterproof outer layer. It has a pocket that is made for either a prefold or insert." taken from Fluff Envy's website.) For my first pocket diaper I thought the Knickernappie was ok but it seemed to snap on backwards to me.  The flaps from the back of the diaper go across the belly and the front comes and snaps on top.  Most diapers the flaps from the back usually attach on top of the front part. 

So at this point we have for my DS three size two Thirsties Duo wraps, a red Knickernappies One size diaper and a brown Knickernappies that I got on discount because it was gently used.  That is not enough to get through three days worth of diaper needs and I really needed to get more.  Then I saw a post of Fluff Envy's Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/?ref=home page that she was ordering two new types of diapers for her store Blueberry and WeeHuggers.  This is where my current obsession began.  I fell in love with the Blueberry Minky http://www.fluffenvy.com/item_281/Blueberry-Minky-One-Size-Snaps.htm
not only because of how soft it was but because it was the first diapers I found in Camo prints.  ( any one that knows me knows I go nuts for camo) In addition to the cool prints, seriously just look at all the cute prints the minky comes in,  DS would be able to wear them until he was done with diapers.  At this point I really must give the makers of the WeeHuggers credit for that cute video they made...just watch it and see what I am talking about.  After I watched that video I knew that I HAD to get WeeHuggers http://www.fluffenvy.com/item_278/weehuggers-covers--hookloop.htm.  So between my dad and our order we ended up with two WeeHuggers with snaps and four with hook and loops.  Personally I prefer the hook and loop because I feel its easier to get them on the wiggly baby that is constantly trying to get away from me.
Dear Son wearing his Groovy WeeHuggers

Now many of you that don't use Fluff may be wondering exactly how much work goes into keeping them clean.  I really feel that its not that much work.  I keep a bucket next to the changing table that the dirties go into and at night before I go to bed I rinse all the Fluff and put it into a bigger bucket. ("Solids" get shaken into the toilet")  When we are on the go I have a couple wet bags with zippers that the dirties go into.  The night before I am going to wash diapers I add a scoop of OxyClean to the big bucket full of rinsed dipes and fill it up with HOT water to soak overnight.  On laundry day I dump out the water from the bucket and put the dipes in the washer on HOT wash with a scoop of Cruncy Clean Diaper Soap http://www.fluffenvy.com/item_46/Crunchy-Clean-Cloth-Diaper-Detergent.htm
 (Monkey Fart is my favorite scent so far) and either put them out on the line to dry in the sun or just throw them in the dryer.  I have found a few uses for the Crunchy Clean as well...I put some in a salt shaker and put that in the diaper bag after DD forgot to take the bag of dirties out of it.  The diaper bag was a bit stinky and the Crunchy Clean in the salt shaker deodorized it quite well.  I also put a scoop of Crunchy Clean in a knee high stocking and tossed it into the dryer with the Fluff for some added deodorizing.

So at this point I am looking to try each and every brand and type of Fluff I can get my hands on just to see how much I like it.  I am even seeking out regular T-Shirts for DS so the onsies don't cover his awesome Fluff.  Check out this months promotion by Fluff Envy and see which Fluff I am trying to win next...

Fluff Envy is trying to get to 1750 fans this month.  I love this company.  Customer sercive is great and they have so much more than just cloth diapers!